
Every year our school creates a programme of afternoon activities for students of all educational levels, which is constantly enriched with new educational activities.

The afternoon educational activities are addressed to students of the Kotronis Schools as well as the schools of the wider area. They aim at the productive use of the children’s free time through the development of a multipurpose and enjoyable pedagogical programme that cultivates special aptitudes and learning through creative activities.

The educational activities that are implemented provide many opportunities for students to broaden the scope of their interests, to test their abilities in new fields, to take initiatives, to cultivate their autonomy, to express themselves and to expand their intellectual and physical potential beyond the narrow limits of typical learning.

Through the afternoon activities, children have a wide range of experiences that include both the adoption of a positive attitude towards learning and the development of social skills. The lessons follow a consistent pace and respond to the specific characteristics of each learning and age group.

In this context, each year the Kotronis Schools with the collaboration of specialized educators and partners plan and organize a variety of activities from a wide range of modern and innovative educational practices such as:

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